Time Lapse imagery showed movement and adjustments in shape attributed to growth, while morphological assessment somewhat resembled Earth-based life. After years of extensive research, we discovered our hypotheses to be correct. There is life on Moebius-9.

What do we know of Moebius-9?

Radiation shielding is crucial for our prolonged survival on Moebius-9. The Dim Blue Dot Corporation is currently developing improved shielding technologies and advanced biomedical countermeasures to protect both its employees and citizens from radiation.

The results of these efforts are being continually incorporated into various aspects of mission M9083, from spacecraft and habitat design, to spacewalk protocols.

Important Facts

by Laura Arroway

  • Radius: 3,389 km (around half the size of Earth)
  • Atmosphere. The atmospheric composition seems to be much thinner than on Earth and consists primarily of carbon dioxide, differing significantly from the atmosphere on the Blue Planet, which is rich in oxygen. This means that the air is unfit to breathe due to the high concentration of CO2 (scarce vegetation, volcanic activity).
  • Neo Miami scientists have found water under the surface of the planet. Without it, Mission M9083 would have never come to fruition.
  • Growing plants has proven difficult due to the regolith covering the planet, mainly consisting of rock sediment with scarce organic elements, and requires special, state-of-the-art methods.
  • Sweepers venturing outside the biodome of Neo Miami have encountered several species of the local flora. Most of them have not yet been researched, but the future 5777 inhabitants of the city include several top botanists who will join the ranks of the local scientists and help with the M9 effort.
  • Scientists have reported possible volcanic activity on the planet.
  • Parts of Moebius-9 are covered in a layer of an unknown origin. It seems that the few local trees captured by our photographs and reported by sweepers have all been located in close proximity to this seemingly organic material. It has also been mentioned in report TS1269, involving Patient PM90007, claiming that upon closer inspection the unknown material seemed to be indicating possible signs of sentience. While these claims have been strongly disputed by my colleagues, we need to exercise proper caution and continue our study of the new world with open minds.
  • Moebius-9’s impact on Neo Miami citizens – New Elysium’s findings. An interesting phenomenon has come to my attention via reports by New Elysium researchers and is currently being tied to the effects of prolonged space travel and/or exposure to the planet Moebius-9. It involves potential physical and cognitive changes humans might undergo in these conditions. I’ve requested access to classified documents that should provide the scientific community with more data to ensure the safety and well-being of interstellar travellers, and the success our off-world endeavour.
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