DBD Internal Memo Regarding Patient PM90093


From: *******
To: *******
RE: Patient mental health status
Please see attached notes on the current status of various engineers and key personnel. I hope measures can be taken to alleviate these health concerns and ensure the well-being of future residents of the dome.
Many of these observations reflect the same symptoms experienced by early astronauts upon returning to Earth. Regardless of concerns based on pathos, lack of proactivity on this matter will undoubtedly result in reduced productivity and risk the success of the entire M-9 project.

Date: 06/07/1982
Notes have been collated from various reports and patients, generally ordered with the first being the most frequent. Fatigue, drowsiness Personality changes – irritability, reduced attention span, poor motivation for work. Withdrawal from social spaces – this ranges from lowered attendance at events to some patients only leaving their personal quarters for work activity. [REDACTED]

Interview patterns (for 16 participants):
Feelings of loneliness and isolation are rampant amongst Neo Miami contractors, especially those in the labour departments. This is primarily linked to loss of familial ties and the realisation that Moebius-9 was a one way trip.

Patient PM90007

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