Discoin is the community currency of Neo Miami. Discoin ($DIS) was created by members of the DISCO SOLARIS community to empower Disco Solaris NFT holders (Neo Miami Citizens). With Discoin, Disco Solaris NFT holders will be able to earn Discoin rewards, participate in governance, and spend their $DIS in the Neo Miami community economy.
Discoin is intended to holistically ensure the well-being of each and every Neo Miami Citizen and to empower creators — builders and artists of all kinds and types. This currency is designed to be the lifeblood or energy that connects us through community. The intention is to create the conditions necessary for true empowerment to emerge for each individual in Neo Miami and for the community as a collective.

On March 5th, 2022. Charles, Disco Solaris NFT #0007, was purchased for 125,000ADA.

The Charles PFP NFT was fractionalized on 06/13/2022 7:11:52 PM EST. It was carried out using fracada-il-primo, an open source library from dcSpark that allows for the fractionalization of NFTs on Cardano. The Plutus contracts were used and deployed without modification.

On 09/27/2022 the Discoin Airdrop was distributed to 1847 Disco Solaris PFP Holders across 18 transactions. Each holder received a gift of 57777 Discoin per PFP held and 1.3 ADA. Holder addresses were captured from a snapshot taken during July 2022. Marketplace wallets did not receive any Discoin and these coins returned to the Treasury for holding.

By both holding a Disco Solaris NFT and Discoin, you can:

  • Participate in governance
  • Seek funding for your community project from DisCatalyst Fund
  • Buy/Spend/Sell within the community ecosystem / Bazaar of Neo Miami
  • Receive rewards

Review Transactions from Airdrop Payment Wallet on CardanoScan

Token Distribution

Initial Rewards

For the initial reward periods following the Discoin Airdrop, manual snapshots and batch rewards transactions will be executed on a monthly basis, with the details being announced via Twitter and Discoin with notice. Holders may be required to provide the ADA required to execute distributions to their wallet or perform other actions to register for rewards each cycle.
Once rewards distribution Plutus contracts are deployed Discoin distributions will become automated and follow cycles of Cardano epochs.

Rewards Program Incremental Design Cycle

Proposals for improvements to Rewards programs may be discussed and implemented from time to time. We intend to improve the Rewards programs as new data and needs come to light.


Rewards emitted will increase each year until year nine, after which there is no current plan to continue the fixed rewards emission schedule.
As more community builders enter and invest in Neo Miami, there is an added demand for Discoin. The community has clear and advance warning of the details of the inflation schedule. Newcomers can plan on the added abundance of Discoin in the future during the Rewards period. By this design we intend to balance the need to reward the sacrifice and effort of early builders with the need to provide adequate opportunity to newcomers during the rewards era.
The economy of Neo Miami is expected to live from its own utility, merits and self-designed sustainability by the time the full gift of rewards has been distributed in year 9.




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