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Dim Blue Dot – A space-faring company. “Creating a better Earth, off-world.”

An ecological city created by an eccentric billionaire beyond a dying Earth.

Current biodome population: [REDACTED]

Objective: Self-sufficiency, Moebius-9 exploration and [REDACTED]

Completed by:

Contractor: DBD Corp.

Explorative Summary

A multi-week survey was undertaken beyond the perimeter of the biodome, extending 10 kilometres in each direction beyond the radius of the dome boundary. Measurements were taken using geophys, biochemical sampling, bedrock core sample, topographic notation, hydrology, and notation of any points of interest. These were then cross-referenced with the satellite images kindly provided by [REDACTED]

The core sample revealed strata consisting of oxidised sandstones, feldspathic arenites, and deeper the beginning of a coarse grained granitic batholith. Further study of the area will be required to construct a preliminary geological history.

Geophys results showed that we (as previously assumed) are well within the tectonic stability specifications of the site proposal. However, some anomalies have been detected that will require further investigation over prolonged timescales. An intricate network of tunnels can be seen at the edge of our surveys to the East of the dome.

Biochemical sampling showed signs of organics within the soils. These have been sent to labs for more detailed reporting. Unfortunately none of the tested soils appear to have the required nutrient content for conventional Earth crops.

Hydrology readings confirm the satellite imagery. It is unlikely to find surface water bodies within several hundred kilometres of the biodome.

Points of interest samples have been taken from various flora previously undiscovered by early inhabitants of Moebius-9. Two of these violet green have been kept in a sealed unit for future study.


Explorative survey

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