The colonisation of Moebius-9 has been made possible by unmatched advances in space faring technology, spearheaded by Mr. Blue. However, interstellar travel is extremely expensive and the trip from Earth to M9 takes years. Hence, most consider Neo Miami a one-way ticket.

Unmanned ships like [REDACTED] travel considerably faster than their manned equivalents, which makes them a more convenient solution for interplanetary transportation of goods, yet still require a considerable amount of research aimed at reducing the costs of production and overall reliability. This is exacerbated by the shortages of specialists in this bleeding-edge field.

Access to Moebius-9 is restricted to a solar-panel-covered, state-of-the-art elevator. A gargantuan construction of intimidating beauty. It takes space travellers from orbit to the surface of the planet. This is the only known way in and out of Moebius-9.

“…perhaps the most advanced piece of engineering humanity…” the voice of the guide droned out as Arianna gazed up at the monstrosity.

She laid a hand atop her head, dizzied by the view. One blink later, then a second, held for a dozen heartbeats. The structure remained, this wasn’t a dream. Arianna resisted the urge to pinch herself. She’d wait until alone.

How could people construct something so enormous?

The elevator defeated gravity, its sleek black form stretching towards the triple-mooned sky. It conquered the gaze, no end in sight. If Arianna hadn’t descended the megastructure she could have easily believed it lasted forever, a space-bridge back to Earth. Several hundred metres up the ominous and inspiring DBD sign proclaimed the company’s victory.

Arianna wondered what Mr. Blue felt looking upon the endless amalgamation of metallic beams. Did he too feel dwarfed by its immensity? Overshadowed by the outcome of mankind’s greatest feat?

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